Sunday Thoughts - Time

Good Morning friends,

I trust you're well. I sit here and write whilst the rain provides meditative company. Something we learn as life goes on is that the same things tend to crop up but our perspective of them changes. Something years ago could previously have ruined your day but now it is something you appreciate. Enjoying these things simply for what they are can definitely allow you to elevate this experience we all get.

They could be things that were here before you and will be here after you but also things that may only be around in your life for a short time. We don't lose these moments but we can miss them. We don't want to look back and wish we'd immersed ourselves more in the life we had. I'm as guilty as anyone for looking for the next thing but there is something to be said about zooming past all the beauty you're currently in. Stuck in the past or worrying about the future. Capturing your life right now is just a way of injecting happiness into your life. Knowing at that moment that you'll look back at this and think how great it was.

You don't get the next level of experience by being more successful. You get it by changing your perspective and realising that this is all there is. It's not about buying the things nobody else can, it's about accessing the perspectives nobody else can. From what I've experienced so far, the simpler the better. More stuff and things come with less time and headspace.

It makes me consider the concept of time more so. Some common questions around our usage of time are 'What would you do if you had a time machine?' or 'If you could go back and change anything, what would you change?'. Or the 'Where do you want to be in 5 years?'

But surely, if we were living a happier life, we wouldn't need to consider these? We convince ourselves of arbitrary things that would improve our lives without considering the amazing and wonderful things we have around us now as a result of the past without the future being relied upon. If anything, it's outright stupidity to consider these questions should have any bearing on our experience of life at all.

The past will only be one of regret. The future will only be one of theft. Time isn't going to stop. But you can spend a bit more time to consider how great the things around you actually are and how much your quality of life would diminish if you didn't have them.

I hope that's sprinkled some thought on top of your peaceful Sunday agenda.

Have a restful day and see you all next week.



Hi, I'm Lawrence

I'm a podcaster who loves to talk about personal development, health & wellness, and lifestyle. Subscribe and join over 400+ newsletter readers every week!

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