Sunday Thoughts - Pursuit of Projects

Good Morning Friends,

I trust you are well. I'm pondering projects this week and you can interpret that in whatever way you choose. It will be correct to your line of thinking at this moment in time. Projects are ideas, they are sparks, they are from hope. Most projects start with the intention of changing the world or inspiring everyone, some do and some get lost along the way.

Yet all involve service. Service to oneself and to others. The dedication. The pride. The acceptance of amateur status. But all the while knowing you have the best intentions at heart.

To serve is one thing, but to serve through complete autonomy is another level. If we aren't ready to do our own project, we'll join one. We learn service and the power of it. But when you do your own one, you feel the fulfilment that was previously unattainable. You get choice, one of life's virtues. You experience true effort vs. reward as no one is there to do otherwise. You learn inner perspective and slowly remove the demon of comparison that floods our everyday existence. Only your previous effort and results are the basis of what's next.

When comparison fades, you learn infinity. You learn humility. You know that time will run out before you want it to. But that is the catalyst for never wanting to finish. The results don't matter, this is who you are and are becoming. You don't need to prove this to anybody ever. All because you have the peace of mind of knowing you've turned up for what matters to you and left your imprint on a few minds along the way.

Then you learn where you stand. Where's your place in the world? Many people feel lost or empty when they stop and analyse their life. Not that it is their fault, they just got caught up in the current of life. To stop, notice and pivot is something not everybody will experience. You could be a lucky one. Not without tests though.

The Test. Not how much you want it but how true can you stay to yourself. This is full circle autonomy. You start off yourself, then all these tests come along trying to change you, but you realise all you want is what you started off with. The moment you start is actually when you have it all, not at the end. You have all the opportunity, all the hope, all the energy. Never lose that. Never waiver in what you're setting out to do. Never become shallow and sell yourself for something that doesn't matter to you. Everyone wants a leg up in the world to join the elite but not enough people want to do things their own way that will fill up their soul rather than their status.

More of a ramble today but I hope even just one sentence strikes a chord. This is your sign to start something pursuing something that matters to you regardless of whether you think others will care or not.

Have a cracking rest of your Sunday and speak soon.



Hi, I'm Lawrence

I'm a podcaster who loves to talk about personal development, health & wellness, and lifestyle. Subscribe and join over 400+ newsletter readers every week!

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