An idea for you to ponder - Fun Flow

Hello friends,

I trust you're well on this random Tuesday. A quick update about the podcast as I'm not in a position to do an episode this week. Not to fear as I will provide some substance here for you today to ponder until next time!

The inability to do an episode this week has gotten me thinking a wee bit about how we put pressure on ourselves to turn up. I love the podcast and miss the feeling it gives me when I don't do it often. You may recall a year or so ago when I was doing episodes daily. This was pure energy for me, in the midst of deep work and truly working through the layers of creativity. And ultimately, it was fun.

The fun that comes with hard work paying off, not doing it for any reason other than just doing the work. There's a freedom somewhat to that despite the chains of turning up more often.

There is a momentum that exists with our actions too. There is a joy in consistency which mainly comes from pride and routine. Yet, there is a joy in the spontaneous urge to turn up and do something. My thoughts are that with time, you get more choice to find an in-between. But you don't get choice at all if you don't turn up.

We naturally become better the more we do, therefore can choose to do more or less depending on how it makes us feel.

Shouldn't this apply to a lot of things in our life where we get choice? Obligation can tie us down yet it gives us the discipline we need to succeed. Freedom provides us the joy of options yet can turn us lazy and complacent.

What's in the middle? I personally don't think there is an evergreen sweet spot but I do think there are moments where it exists. Those times where life ebbs and flows without too much forced effort but it's because of the work you have done previously and you are brave enough to embrace the freedom and have some fun.

I think I'm going to coin the term 'Fun Flow'. It's not something to work towards or aim for, but is as a result of doing so. Something you'll look back on fondly yet won't get too wrapped up in working so hard to get there that you forget to have fun.

The thing that feels right for you in that moment in life at that time despite what anyone else says. The thing that feels natural. You have to make it happen though. The discipline, the hard work, the discovery and figuring out. That's what makes the flow fun when you get there.

Fun comes with the action but it also comes with the choice. I'm choosing to write to you today because I can't do a podcast but also because I've worked for years creating for you to get to a point where I can write this and you know you can trust it and what to expect.

Where in your life could you work hard to get to a point where you can choose more? Something that makes your heart sing or improves the quality of your life?

Write to me with your thoughts on this and/or the area of life you'd pursue 'fun flow'. Especially as I'm looking for some feel-good distractions whilst managing this back pain.



Hi, I'm Lawrence

I'm a podcaster who loves to talk about personal development, health & wellness, and lifestyle. Subscribe and join over 400+ newsletter readers every week!

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