Sunday Thoughts - The Art of Living, a perspective

Good Morning Legends!

The early Autumn sun is beaming down this morning as I write to you and I want to share some simple re-framing for life for you today. It amazes me how even when I stumble across similar content years later, I still find it resonates deeply at that particular time.

I believe this can be because of our evolved life experience and perspective - we've earned more wisdom. Plus, we are further around the cycle of life: the same lessons crop up again and again, we just need to find them at the right time for us. I saw this great meme the other day that epitomises my point -

It's got me thinking more about the games of life that we choose to play and how our perception of those games contributes to our 'happiness'. It's not about settling but being grateful. These can both be applied to the same situation, depending on your point of view. It's not about the most or being the best, it's about having enough to keep your toes just above the bottom and the being the best for you.

Experience in life contributes to this shift but there is a rite of passage that exists that allows you to enjoy the 'other side'. I bet you wouldn't enjoy certain things without the pain you experienced to get there. People use pain as justification for working towards greatness. Pain comes and goes but you shouldn't miss out on enjoying life along the way.

The only justification I've found so far for a big shake-up of life is usually intuition + timing. Sometimes you need to blow up your life to get back on the path you want (the path of no regret) but sometimes you just need to go back a bit and take the turn you missed before. Or lastly, it may feel like you're lost, you've gone too far along the path and unsure if it was the right way, but by staying on it you'll actually arrive where you were supposed to, despite the doubts you had. This can be especially true when you see others in your life on their paths and they look like they know exactly where they're headed. If there's one thing the internet has brought us, it's the clarity around how nobody really knows exactly what their doing with their lives.

I'll close today with another picture I found from Carl Jung (who you've probably heard of) that should hopefully bring you reassurance if not guidance about what to spend your time worrying about on the whole (isn't it amazing we can access the lessons from those before us and still apply it to our own lives right now?!).

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and see you all next week!



Hi, I'm Lawrence

I'm a podcaster who loves to talk about personal development, health & wellness, and lifestyle. Subscribe and join over 400+ newsletter readers every week!

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