Sunday Thoughts - When It Matters

Good morning friends!

I trust you're well as I sit here and type knowing that my life will never be the same forever again. Many people will experience this kind of moment, whether it's a decision to jump and totally change their life or simply a noteworthy occurrence that can happen at any time.

It feels odd to type this as it feels a bit different to usual. Essentially, I know the arrival of our first child is going to happen any point between now and the next few weeks. It brings an array of emotions but fully positive ones that I'm excited to embrace presently at this significant stage of most peoples lives.

I feel there is a future lesson in this that I'm willing to indulge - being present at moments that matter.

We all have opportunities in life to show up when it matters. It can be tough and wonderful at the same time. It's usually beautiful because of the challenge. Sometimes you get to choose the timing, sometimes not. Sometimes you feel ready, sometimes not. Sometimes you think you won't be capable, sometimes not. Yet, all it boils down to is not skill nor experience. It's just about being present at that particular moment in time.

Life goes quickly. Even when days are long, the years seem short. One huge fear I have is not being able to look back with the peace of mind having not been present when it matters. It's a killer of social relationships and of joy in general. Our expectations of a good life come from societal expectations portrayed by the media. Closing yourself off to the world to enjoy what you're doing at the specific moment in time is a hell of a drug and something we shouldn't underestimate the power of. Those things you may view as mundane or routine could be the very thing that many crave access to.

And on that note, this aptly allows me to tell you that for the next month I am not going to be writing letters like these to you. I trust you can understand the reason why. I've written these weekly since April 2021. And for now, the time is right to be present elsewhere. When I'm back, I'm sure I will have plenty to share and I think I may reach another layer of life where I'm sure the lessons and anecdotes are again profound.

Write to me during this time if you feel desire to do so. I love reading people's current outlooks and it always refreshes my way of thinking. I will also post my link for all my previous writings below for you to indulge if you're needing that Sunday hit alongside your brew.

Otherwise, have a cracking few weeks and I will talk with you all soon.



If you'd like to read all my previous writings for this Sunday letter, you can do here.

Hi, I'm Lawrence

I'm a podcaster who loves to talk about personal development, health & wellness, and lifestyle. Subscribe and join over 400+ newsletter readers every week!

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