Sunday Thoughts - Unconditionality

Good morning friends!

I can't believe it's been this long yet time has flown. I'm a dad now and I can't wait to share with you, over time, some of the realisations and moments experienced thus far.

Joy can come from many areas of our life, but pure love is one thing that cannot be compared. The true peace that comes from unconditionality. The wholeness that comes from seeing those around you happy from you contributing to that. The sense of pride that this is your life and will continue to be the sacrifice you make for the joy it brings.

This is why the pursuit of status always ends up failing socially. We make friends, find spouses and reproduce ultimately for the things above. Not for whoever cares nor what they think of us. Status is a game yet the real winners are those who obtain unconditionality.

I sit and write this on Day 13 of our baby son being with us and all of the sentiments above ring true. But what I've also realised is so much of it existed already through years of groundwork. The early days of parenthood are purely a realisation that only the simple things matter. Complicating things, from experience, comes from a place of insecurity, false expectations or hope. I always find it a nice reminder when life comes along and brings you down a peg when you're trying to make things unnecessarily complex.

Those moments in life that hit you in the face and make you re-evaluate your choices. You've gone too far or in too deep and for what?! We all have those moments in our life where we want to reset and those usually come from feelings of existentialism or meaninglessness. Lack of purpose or self-worth. Running in the wrong direction. The desire to provide meaning. My encouragement is purely to pursue the most simple thing. My best relationships are the most simple ones. My best work is the most simple work. The most happiness I experience is usually in the most simple moments.

Yes, live a little and do exciting and adventurous things regularly. But always remember your base comes back to unconditional simplicity.

I'll pose some questions for you to ponder with your morning brew -

  • What is overly complicated in your life right now that you could strip back with some brave decisions?

  • What simple things do you have in your life that cost nothing but are very valuable to you?

  • What is something simple that you are taking for granted at this moment in time?

It's good to be back. I've said this before but creativity is a major gap in most people's lives. I've missed it, immensely. It brings peace knowing I'll do this in some capacity forever. I would love to know what you feel is something creative, that whether deemed successful or not, you can see yourself doing eternally?

They say the days are long and the years are fast, no point in waiting around to do what you want right?

Write to me with any thoughts or reflections or even an update. I love hearing from you guys.



Hi, I'm Lawrence

I'm a podcaster who loves to talk about personal development, health & wellness, and lifestyle. Subscribe and join over 400+ newsletter readers every week!

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