Sunday Thoughts - Chisel Away

Good morning friends,

I would love to hear how the start of your summer has been. We are half way through 2024 which, as scary as it sounds, is a lovely reason to pause and think about what's been good for you this year so far. As the weeks go quickly, a beneficial activity is to pause every so often to reflect. I can easily convince myself out of doing this but it always brings one of three things, if not all - pride, motivation or gratitude.

Especially when we work so hard, we need to find that time to consider why we're turning up. Pride is so subjective and when isolated from any other comparison and our own self-critic, can be a great mental booster. A stark reminder of how far you've come even when you doubted yourself. Think of the person you were a year ago, five years ago even. The contrast will be so vast yet you will not give yourself anywhere near the credit you deserve.

Hopefully, you'll feel stronger on your values, your beliefs, who you are and trusting your personality. These are some of the most impressive traits I witness in other humans. The unwavering acceptance of ones self and embracing this. Knowing it's serving the world without having to be told.

This takes time to achieve. The peace that comes from it that cannot be described through words. It's not a task you complete one day. It's a life job you spend time chipping away at. Moulding and chiselling somewhat based on all your lived experiences.

Nobody ever tells you how great you are. If they do, it's nuanced through admiration, respect and affection. Direct forms of this feel cringe worthy and sometimes disingenuous. You don't need this validation to prove to anyone, including yourself, that you're worthy. Turning up with the reliability and credibility of doing what you say you're going to and not making a fuss over it is a trait that can't be bought.

So take out that pen and paper, grab yourself a brew and start writing down those things you're proud of over the last few months, year or years. There's no time like the present to celebrate yourself. Your future self will thank you.

Have a great weekend and see you all next week :)



PS. I got some great feedback recently about an ebook I wrote over 2 years ago! Here it is for free if you want it -

Become Unstuck in 30 Days -

Hi, I'm Lawrence

I'm a podcaster who loves to talk about personal development, health & wellness, and lifestyle. Subscribe and join over 400+ newsletter readers every week!

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