Sunday Thoughts - A Life Well-Lived

Good Morning friends!

I trust you are well. Moments in time are, to me, as profound as milestones. What were you doing at this time in 2022? You can ask yourself that of any year and it's still amazing to consider how far you've come as an individual. When you turn up daily, doing things that are important to you (boring or not!) and working towards something you're not 100% sure of but you know it feels right, only good things can come of that.

It makes me think of the phrase 'life well-lived'. You can search memes or quotes up on the internet for inspiration however it's imperative that we use introspection to reflect upon whether we have yet truly lived up to this point. This isn't to point to time wasted, this is to recognise the path and direction we are headed. Sleepwalking into a life of no meaning would be a hell of a regret. Yet we have the chance to change this at any given moment.

A life well-lived arises from opportunities created for ourselves. There has never been more autonomy & choice as an adult in history. This isn't to say go travel the world like an instagrammer - this is to encourage you to pursue what you want. Personally, I aspire to an incredibly ordinary life. Simplicity and access to it brings me the most joy. Fancy things? Nope. The latest tech? No thanks. A cup of coffee and a walk for a few hours with people and pets I love? Absolutely.

A life well-lived is one of opinion. Some people may think your version of it is terrible. And that's great because it means yours is special, unique and can't be replicated. Your perspective of an experience is different to someone else's. You may view something as an opportunity to live a better, more wholesome version of life whilst somebody else may swan straight past it without noticing.

A life well-lived is one of urgency. Days or weeks may sometimes drag but years fly. You have to consistently go after what you want, even if you're unsure what it is yet. It'll appear when it's supposed to. Sometimes the people you love will appear there too. With work, you may take that opportunity that doesn't make sense yet everything you wanted appears a few months later because you took that leap and you treated your decision with respect and importance.

A life well-lived is one of the unexpected. You may work towards something you think you want then life decides what's for you. You may disagree at the time yet years later realise what it's given you. Usually it gives you the things that are under a few more layers than you thought. Deeper and more profound. This brings peace. It also removes any baggage that the likes of status or prestige brings. You get to skip that step because it wasn't supposed to be for you. You get the more meaningful deal. The deal of mastery, autonomy, purpose and fulfilment. The deal of infinity.

A life well-lived is one you could live forever and never get bored. Go do the thing that matters to you right now. Or the thing you want to try. Not what others are doing. More things will appear as a result of this too.

But make sure to pause and take note every now and then :)

Have a great Sunday and see you all next week!


If you'd like to read all my previous writings for this Sunday letter, you can do here.

Hi, I'm Lawrence

I'm a podcaster who loves to talk about personal development, health & wellness, and lifestyle. Subscribe and join over 400+ newsletter readers every week!

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